현재 위치 - 인적 자원 플랫폼망 - 가정 서비스 - Income requirements for high-skilled immigrants in the Netherlands in 2019
Income requirements for high-skilled immigrants in the Netherlands in 2019

Income requirements for highly skilled immigrants to the Netherlands 2019

These amounts do not include the mandatory 8% holiday allowance. This amount can be paid monthly or annually, in addition to the minimum wage mentioned above. If you don't work 40 hours per week, but 38 or 36, your hourly rate will be different.

Foreign knowledge immigrants

One of the most important conditions for residence is the salary level of high-skilled immigrants. Salary level requirements are affected by the age of knowledge immigrants.

Salary requirements for high-skilled immigrants

High-skilled immigrants aged 30 and above must earn a minimum of 4,500,00 euros per month, excluding the 8% holiday allowance.

Highly skilled immigrants under 30 years of age must earn a minimum monthly salary of €3.299,00, excluding the 8% holiday allowance.

Highly skilled foreigners who start working in the Netherlands within one year of graduation must receive a minimum wage of €2.364,00 gross per month, excluding holiday allowance.

NOTE: Please note that there are additional requirements beyond gross salary to qualify for knowledge immigration status.

 Foreigners and the 30% award

If you are from outside the EU and you are already working as a knowledge immigrant, you already receive the required 30% of your salary because of the IND The salary is higher than 30% of the salary requirement. However, in certain circumstances, you may need to get a salary adjustment in the new year!

2019 30% salary standard

The annual taxable salary of employees over 30 years old must be higher than 37.743 euros. In 2018, this was 37.296,00 euros.

The taxable annual salary of employees under 30 years old and with a master's degree must be higher than 28.690 euros per year. In 2018, this was 28.350,00 euros.

Please note: Eligibility for the 30% award is not based solely on your gross salary; other requirements may apply.


Extended reading: Three pillars of Dutch pensions

1. State pensions

Collective pensions issued by the central government, Everyone has a share, starting from the age of 65

Employee pension

It is deducted from wages on a monthly basis and the employer often pays part of the pension accumulated through the pension insurance fund on behalf of the employee< /p>

Private supplement

Private savings accumulated in different ways and supplementary insurance purchased, such as life annuity insurance or deferred annuity, personal savings and asset insurance, etc.

< p> Elderly care transportation

Free wheelchairs: provide free wheelchairs for the elderly with limited mobility

Free outing minibuses: provide free outing minibuses for the elderly

Public ***Transportation discounts: Provide discounts for elderly people over 65 years old when taking public transportation (train is 60 years old)

Special minibuses for the elderly: Provide discounts for those who are inconvenient to take public transportation Door-to-door minibuses are provided for elderly people over 75 years old

Modification of private transportation: free modification of cars and bicycles, and installation of special seats for elderly people with limited mobility

2. Living independently at home< /p>

Housekeeping assistance

Help the elderly with limited mobility to take care of the housework.

Expenses are partially reimbursed, and the out-of-pocket portion depends on the elderly person’s income, age and residence type

Meal delivery service

Meal delivery service is provided for the elderly over 75 years old who cannot cook by themselves. Price concessions

3. Care remuneration for relatives and friends

The government pays remuneration to relatives and friends who volunteer to take care of the elderly, 200 euros per year

Alarm service

< p> Install alarms for patients and elderly people with limited mobility, and connect with the alarm center, and the cost will be partially reimbursed

Home repair and installation assistance

Provide home furnishing services for elderly people with limited mobility or over 75 years old For repair and installation assistance, the elderly only need to pay the material fee and a service fee of 5 euros each time

Barrier-free modification of residences

Free modification of residences and installation of barrier-free facilities for elderly people with limited mobility< /p>

Accommodation facilities for the elderly

Social low-rent housing

Provide social low-rent housing on the ground floor for seniors over 65 years old

Senior housing

Provide apartments or villas for the elderly over 55 years old, independent single-family homes, and some also provide nursing services

Elderly apartments

Collective facilities for the elderly over 55 years old Accommodation is divided into independent units and private kitchen and bathroom units, equipped with various living and entertainment facilities

Barrier-free facilities

Provide barrier-free housing for the elderly who use wheelchairs

Nursing homes for the elderly

Provide accommodation facilities for the elderly who need care

Moving expenses

Provide moving expenses for the elderly who have limited mobility and must move. 2347 euros (Amsterdam standard)

The Netherlands has a complete pension system and a unique pension model. The Life Apartment launched by it is the first pension project in the world to challenge the traditional pension model. It has been used by Japan and Denmark. , New Zealand, Australia and other developed countries are following suit.

The Dutch pension system is amazingly complete.