현재 위치 - 인적 자원 플랫폼망 - 가정 서비스 - Novices to Swan Home can’t receive orders
Novices to Swan Home can’t receive orders

What you want to ask is why newcomers to Swan Home can’t receive orders? It may be that the newbie's reputation is too low.

In the early stage, the system will automatically dispatch orders. Later, when you have more points, you can grab orders by yourself. When the platform dispatches orders in the initial stage, you can tell customers to give full praise after cleaning is completed to increase credibility points. Customer evaluations will directly affect the order volume in the later period. The more positive reviews, the later order volume will increase.

Swan Daojia is a housekeeping service company, formerly known as 58 Daojia. It is a subsidiary company of Daojia Group. It mainly includes housekeeping services, nanny services, confinement services, beauty manicure, moving express and other professional services.