현재 위치 - 인적 자원 플랫폼망 - 가정 서비스 - How about Zhuhai Flextronics?
How about Zhuhai Flextronics?

The surrounding environment is not good, it is 1.5 hours drive from the city. The salary depends on the level you enter. The accommodation is for 8-10 people in a room for ordinary employees, and a suite with 4 bedrooms and one living room for ordinary employees. There are 4 people in the room, that is, 16 people per suite. Engineers and above also have suites with 4 bedrooms and one living room, but only for 2 people per room. I have a friend who works there as a planner. He is exhausted and has to answer the phone in the middle of the night every day. , the salary I get every month is only about 1,700, and there is no overtime pay