현재 위치 - 인적 자원 플랫폼망 - 가정 서비스 - 고택의 하인, 여자의 이름은 여종, 남자의 이름은 무엇입니까?
고택의 하인, 여자의 이름은 여종, 남자의 이름은 무엇입니까?

누구: 청나라에서 기원했어요. 세상을 깨워라: 이옥영 옥옥옥옥옥옥옥중의 종교심판소': "이웅은 장비를 정리하고 가족을 이끌고 출발했다." 일반적으로 고대 문맥에서 발생하는데, 흔히 권세 있는 가문이 모집하여 집을 지키는 하인을 가리킨다.

하인 외에도 하인, 하인, 하인, 서자이, 하인이 있다.

종, 종, 종, 종, 종, 종, 종, 종, 종, 종, 종, 종, 종, 종, 종, 종, 종, 종, 종, 종, 종

여종이라는 단어는' 여종' 이라고도 불린다. 인칭 대명사로서 이 단어는 여종을 가리키지만, 고대에는 처음에는 여자의 헤어스타일을 가리킨다. 이 헤어스타일은 머리채를 고리로 빗는 것이다. 하나는 왼쪽에, 하나는 오른쪽에, 하나는 나무처럼 빗는 것이다. 젊은 여종이 이런 헤어스타일을 빗는 횟수가 많기 때문에' 시녀' 라고 부른다.

확장 데이터:

딩 채용 방법:

1, 치과의사와 매니저가 소개했습니다. 여기들은 연지, 꽃가루 등 여성용품을 팔아 생계를 꾸려가고 있지만, 중간에서도 장사를 소개하고, 큰집 중개인을 책임지고 후궁, 가창기, 댄서를 사서 자주 인구를 매매한다.

2. 시장에 가서 사람을 모집합니다. 돈황 문헌에는 많은 고용 계약이 보존되어 있다. 당대의 개인 차밭은 동시에 100 여 명의 단기 채차공을 고용했다.

하인의 월급을' 월돈' 이라고 한다. 등급을 기준으로 집집을 사장, 1 등 가구, 2 등 가구, 3 등 가구, 거친 하인 가구 5 등급으로 나누다.

매달 돈은 등급별로 지급되고, 지배인 급료도 잘 쓰여지지 않았다. 일등은 매달 돈을 아주 똑똑히 쓰고, 한 달에 한두 냥의 은을 쓴다. 사장급 집주인은 직접 주인의 식생활 서비스를 하지 않고 일상적인 집안일과 중대한 활동에만 참여한다.

바이두 백과-가정

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  • Chongqing’s rural pension policy in 2023 New rural pension insurance policy in Chongqing 1. Added payment levels. The original annual payment standards for young and middle-aged people in Chongqing’s basic pension insurance for urban and rural residents were 100 yuan, 200 yuan, There are five levels: 400 yuan, 600 yuan, and 900 yuan. The new policy adjusts the annual payment standard to 12 levels, including 10 levels with annual payment of 100 yuan to 1,000 yuan and 2 levels with annual payment of 1,500 yuan and 2,000 yuan. The insured can continue to pay according to the original standards, or reselect a payment level according to the new standards. The more you pay, the more you get. 2. Increased government subsidies for insurance premiums. The new policy will adjust the government subsidy standard for insurance premiums from the original 30 yuan per person per year to a tiered subsidy. The new subsidy standards are 30 yuan for the first level, 40 yuan for the second level, 50 yuan for the third level, 60 yuan for the fourth level, 70 yuan for the fifth level, 80 yuan for the sixth level, 90 yuan for the seventh level, 100 yuan for the eighth level, and 110 yuan for the ninth level. , the tenth gear is 120 yuan, the eleventh gear is 130 yuan, and the twelfth gear is 140 yuan. The higher the payment level chosen by the insured, the more government subsidies will be received. The more you pay, the more subsidies you will receive. 3. Establishing a mechanism for long-term contributions and more benefits. The new policy stipulates that for insured persons who have paid contributions for more than 15 years, when receiving pension benefits, an additional basic pension of 2 yuan per month will be issued for every more than one year. 4. Improved personal account handling methods. The new policy stipulates that interest on the amount stored in personal accounts shall be calculated in accordance with national regulations, and the balance of funds in personal accounts (including government subsidies) may be inherited in accordance with the law. If the insured person leaves the country to settle abroad or dies before receiving pension benefits, the amount stored in his or her personal account will be refunded. After the death of the consular officer, the balance of the personal account will be returned. Both amounts include individual contributions, collective subsidies (social subsidies) and government subsidy funds. In addition, the new policy will expand the scope of funeral benefits from the original recipients to all insured persons. The insured person has no worries when paying premiums. 5. Achieve cross-coordination transfer within the system. If the household registration of insured persons is transferred, the basic pension insurance relationship for urban and rural residents can be transferred in accordance with regulations. However, for those who have received pension benefits in accordance with regulations, their basic pension insurance relationship for urban and rural residents will not be transferred. Related knowledge: Chongqing pension insurance participation conditions: 1. Rural residents over 16 years old and urban flexible employment personnel; 2. People over 60 years old in cities and towns who do not enjoy basic pension insurance (retirement) benefits. The place to apply for pension insurance in Chongqing: Bring your ID card and household registration book to the village committee (community committee) of the place of residence to apply, and they will go to the township (street) social security office to complete the insurance registration procedures. You can also directly go to the township (street) community office with relevant documents to handle insurance registration procedures. Everyone is familiar with the regulations of Chongqing’s rural pension insurance policy. This is a critical point for every beneficiary. Only by following the latest policy can we better enjoy the pension insurance benefits. This is very important for participating in the insurance. It's important for people.
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