현재 위치 - 인적 자원 플랫폼망 - 가정 서비스 - What is the phone number of Sanya Beijing Urban Construction Haiyunfu Villa Marketing Center?
What is the phone number of Sanya Beijing Urban Construction Haiyunfu Villa Marketing Center?

The phone number of Sanya Beijing Urban Construction Haiyunfu Villa Jiwu Marketing Center is 4006569058 extension 72133 (copy "4006569058,72133" to the mobile phone dialing interface to dial quickly with one click). Free consultation on project discount information, direct pick-up and drop-off by special car.

Sanya Beijing Urban Construction Haiyunfu Villa is located in Hongtangwan Tourist Resort, Tianya District, Sanya City, Hainan Province. It has a 70-year-old construction type of row and superposition. It was developed by Beijing Urban Construction (Hainan) Real Estate Co., Ltd.

Entertainment is a necessary condition for holiday life. Beijing Urban Construction·Haiyun Mansion is a 400,000 square meter coastal resort complex - a 20,000 square meter style shopping street and Jianguo Resort Hotel, a 3,000 square meter owner's club, The five-star Marriott Hotel and the 60,000-square-meter coastal park provide owners with leisure and entertainment venues, children's activity areas, elderly fitness areas, etc., providing wonderful parent-child time and harmonious neighborly relations to create a one-stop colorful seaside life and provide owners with comprehensive It is a living support system. .

Property type: Villa

Current sales price: about 27,000 yuan/square meter

Estimated opening time: 2018-12-31

Estimated delivery time: 2019-12-31

Planned number of households: 216

Number of parking spaces: 90 above-ground parking spaces; 513 underground parking spaces

Floor Situation: 18th floor of high-rise building 1-7#; 5 floors of villa building 8-18#

Property features: existing house, sea view, brand real estate

Surrounding facilities: Haiyun Home It has complete internal facilities, including a 20,000 square meter commercial street, a 3,000 square meter leisure club, a 10,000 square meter property hotel, a 60,000 square meter coastal park, 1,700 square meters of health care and comprehensive living facilities. Cloud technology covers the entire community, including smart homes, cloud apps, cloud butlers, and 24** high-quality butler services.

Click to view: Detailed information of Sanya Beijing Urban Construction Haiyunfu Villa.