현재 위치 - 인적 자원 플랫폼망 - 가정 서비스 - The social service industry is a modern social service industry with what is its main service form?
The social service industry is a modern social service industry with what is its main service form?

The social service industry is a modern social service industry with domestic services, caregiving, elderly care, property management, culture and art, and labor export as its main service forms.

The social service industry refers to the industry that provides labor and other services for people's daily consumption. It is the industry with the most departments in the tertiary industry. The level of socialized services in a country directly reflects the level of economic development and people's living standards. As far as the content of the urban social service industry is concerned, due to the diversity of service objects and their needs and the different resources possessed by the city, the urban service industry is very rich in content.

The service industry

refers to the general term for industries in the electronic information age and is a collection of production departments and enterprises engaged in service products. This industry has the characteristics of non-physical, non-storable, not easily divisible, and simultaneous production and consumption. In the actual work of China's national economic accounting, the service industry is regarded as the tertiary industry, that is, the service industry is defined as all other industrial sectors except agriculture and industry.

In the actual work of national economic accounting, the service industry is generally regarded as the tertiary industry. The national economic industry classification includes agriculture, industry, and construction (the national economic industry classification is subdivided into five major physical commodity production sectors: agriculture, mining, manufacturing, electricity, fuel and water production and supply, and construction) all other fifteen industrial sectors.