The Enlightenment advocated religious atheism, philosophical materialism, political democracy, and economic laissez-faire. The criticism of religious theology and autocracy is more intense and in-depth.
The ideological proposition of the Enlightenment: advocating religious atheism, philosophical materialism, political democracy, and economic laissez-faire.
The Enlightenment advocated rationality rather than external authority to judge everything; it directed criticism at the feudal autocracy and its religious ideological system; it prepared the ideological conditions for revolution; it was a far-reaching ideological emancipation movement.
The criticism of religious theology and autocracy is more intense and in-depth. The criticism of feudal despotism, hierarchical privileges, clericalism and religious superstition is the ideological achievement of the Enlightenment.
The nature of the Enlightenment: The Enlightenment was a great anti-feudal and anti-church ideological and cultural liberation movement that took place in Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries. It made ideological preparations and public opinion propaganda for the revolution. It was the second ideological emancipation movement in modern Europe after the Renaissance Movement.
In French, the original meaning of "enlightenment" is "light". Advanced thinkers at that time believed that so far, people were in darkness, and the light of reason should be used to dispel the darkness and lead people to the light. They wrote books and lectures, actively criticized authoritarianism, religious ignorance and privilege, and promoted freedom, equality and democracy.