현재 위치 - 인적 자원 플랫폼망 - 가정 서비스 - What kind of business are you doing now with state subsidies?
What kind of business are you doing now with state subsidies?

The following 10 projects can not only make money, but also receive subsidies. One investment and two benefits, why not do it.

1. Production of organic fertilizer from livestock manure.

2. Use rice straw to produce straw gas.

3. Use pomace to extract pectin.

4. Use livestock and poultry blood to produce peptides and feather meal.

5. Use egg by-products to produce egg powder.

6. Use straw to produce carbon dioxide fertilizer.

7. Use citrus pomace to produce snack foods, citrus tea and jam.

8. Use the by-products of fish and shrimp processing to produce feed.

9. Use cotton by-products to produce cotton protein.

10. Use the Internet to promote and develop agriculture.

In fact, there are many projects that can be done. Here is just a little talk. More projects need to be summarized and developed. As long as you have an open mind, active thinking, and are familiar with various policies, rural development is very important. It is promising and very profitable. It can truly achieve high output with low input, thereby achieving better economic and social value.