현재 위치 - 인적 자원 플랫폼망 - 가정 서비스 - What is housekeeping service?
What is housekeeping service?

It can be said that housekeeping service is an emerging sunrise industry. However, the confusion of the industry, the lack of management, and the uneven services have caused us to have many questions about the housekeeping service industry. How should we choose in the face of a mixed market? In fact, housekeeping services cover a wide range of services, but the housekeeping companies we generally come into contact with generally only provide services such as confinement nanny, childcare, escort, caregiver, hourly labor, cleaner, etc. There are no specific hard standards for service, so there are always big differences between customers and service staff. However, one thing remains the same: those who provide services are labor activities and are employed, while those who demand services are the recipients of services and must pay necessary fees for the services they enjoy - labor expenses. The reason why the current domestic service industry is in chaos and many Beijing domestic service companies are still in short supply is mainly because the management and service quality of the domestic service industry are lacking. At present, there are two main service methods of housekeeping services: 1. Intermediary service: Agency business creates a two-way deficiency in management and service. The so-called intermediary is equivalent to a brokerage company, which is engaged in intermediary, brokerage, and agency business. Most of the time, you find suitable nannies and waiters in this company. They will provide you with the best information and help you. You introduce the waiter. The main feature of this type of company is that the labor fees you pay do not go directly to the company, but to the waiter. The contract is signed directly between the employer and the waiter, and there is no third-party action by the company. The company takes the form of charging commissions and referral fees, and it is also an agency relationship between the waiter and the company, and they also charge a certain fee to the waiter. To put it simply, such a company collects both the employer’s money and the waiter’s money. This model is relatively common! 2. Dispatch service: has the advantage of unified management! Dispatched service means that the employer only needs to sign a contract with the company, and the company and the employer jointly determine the waiter. There is a simple relationship between the employer and the company, and the waiter is an employee, contract, or temporary worker of the company. This type of company generally requires the employer to pay wages directly to the company, which then allocates them to the waiters. There are many such patterns too! No matter which one, it should be noted that the service quality of service personnel needs to be guaranteed. Everyone knows that there is training in the domestic service industry, but how each company conducts training and the results after the training are sometimes not clear to everyone. We can only get it through some photos of their companies and some information during the training. Know. There are no such things as domestic service employment certificates, grade certificates, and skill certificates. Even if there is, it is not a necessary skill and skill assessment standard for the current domestic service industry.