현재 위치 - 인적 자원 플랫폼망 - 가정 서비스 - Nanny’s career
Nanny’s career

Basic information

The majority of nannies in cities are outsiders or people from rural areas, and most of them are women. Many of them are young girls from other places who dropped out of school to work due to financial reasons. Because they have little knowledge and are not qualified for heavy physical work, those who finally choose to work as nannies are called nannies. And they often cannot quickly integrate into urban life because of their lack of knowledge and experience, so the title of nanny contains a bit of contempt and unnecessary emotion. But they are generally hard-working and kind-hearted, willing to learn and endure hardship, and can always win the trust of their employers.

The professional title of a nanny is a housekeeper. With the development of this industry, domestic servants must also undergo professional training before they can be employed.