현재 위치 - 인적 자원 플랫폼망 - 가정 서비스 - How is Xiao Yujia’s nanny?
How is Xiao Yujia’s nanny?

Never hire Xiao Yujia’s nanny. Several of my friends and I have hired nannies, and their nannies are all very experienced. They like to go back to the company to discuss things about the owner's home, and they love to compare. Later, I heard the nanny say that it seemed that Xiao Yujia had an internal rule that they should go back and report once a week. As a result, the nannies started to compare themselves with each other as soon as they returned. They all wanted to find jobs with less work and more money, and they also liked to talk. Moreover, Xiao Yujia's nanny department is contracted out, so the management is much worse than that of the hourly workers. Xiao Yujia's hourly workers are quite good.