현재 위치 - 인적 자원 플랫폼망 - 가정 서비스 - What are the political standards for online novels?
What are the political standards for online novels?

The introduction is as follows:

First, real names of people and places cannot appear.

Second, no insinuations with obvious characteristics should appear.

Third, there should be no cases of official crimes (mainly referring to the entire system, one or two are OK).

Fourth, we cannot criticize current affairs. Fifth, we must not interfere in international politics.

Internet novels can be divided into broad and narrow senses. The broad sense can include all novels published and circulated on the Internet. However, from the narrow sense of the origin of Internet novels, it mainly refers to the novels created by Internet writers and published for the first time. A novel form that is published online and then circulated. Online novels are mainly divided into two categories. One type is novels read by boys, which are generally called male channels; the other type is novels read by girls, which is generally known as female channels. Most of the novels that boys read pursue strength from body to power, while most of the novels that girls read start from the perspective of love, and the power of these two types of novels depends on the ratio of men to women on the Internet.