현재 위치 - 인적 자원 플랫폼망 - 가정 서비스 - U.S. Export Control Regulations
U.S. Export Control Regulations

Legal analysis: The United States has strict and detailed legislation on its export controls, which are mainly for the national security, foreign policy, and prevention of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Some export control measures are mainly intended to restrict countries or individuals that may harm the national interests of the United States from obtaining certain types of items. Items subject to U.S. export controls include not only weapons of mass destruction, nuclear technology and other military items, but also dual-use products and purely civilian items. There are many laws and regulations involving export control, including the Export Control Reform Act, the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, the Arms Export Control Act, Regulations such as the International Traffic in Arms Regulation and the Export Administration Regulations. This article will focus on dual-use products and purely civilian products, so it will mainly introduce the "Export Control Reform Act" and the "Export Control Regulations".

Legal basis: The Bureau of Industry and Security of the U.S. Department of Commerce promulgated the Export Control Regulations. The preamble mainly restricts the export and re-export of goods, software and technology originating in the United States, in addition to being regulated by other federal agencies. In addition to items under exclusive jurisdiction, the EAR covers a very wide range, including military, dual-use and civilian items. The EAR has a detailed classification of the goods, technologies and software it controls. All controlled items are listed in the commerce control list. In addition, the EAR has set lists for specific countries and specific entities. , exporting and re-exporting items on the commercial control list to countries or entities on the list usually requires a license from BIS.