- 가사는 무역기업에 속합니까?
- How about Liaoning Dongsheng Property Management Co., Ltd.?
- 중국의 사모 투자 펀드의 법적 기반은 무엇입니까?
- How to verify the credibility of the nanny you want to hire?
- 채용 포스터의 사이즈가 어떻게 되나요? 일반 포스터 표준 크기
- 동영 유전에서 가장 얕은 기름은 몇 미터 깊이이다.
- 지금 가정청소로 새로 인테리어한 집은 1 평방미터에 얼마입니까?
- JOLYVIA YOUNG 등록 상표? 등록할 수 있는 다른 범주는 무엇입니까?
- How to respond to changes and challenges in China’s industrial robot industry in 2016
- If I quote words from the "Government Work Report" in my paper, do I need to mark it and what is the format?
- 웡 타이 신 6 홀 등록 상표? 등록할 수 있는 다른 범주는 무엇입니까?
- 가정부로 노인이 집에서 조심하지 않아 넘어지면 어떡하죠?
- 중국제인적자원서비스유한공사 브루상지사는 어떠세요?
- 사오싱 상하성이 인테리어를 하고 있나요?
- 쓰촨 좋은 며느리 청소 서비스 유한회사는 어떠세요?
- 20 19 중앙재정농업보험료보조금
- The hierarchical structure of our government
- What national poverty alleviation policies can rural areas enjoy?
- 경과 가정
- 어머니는 문공단의 선생님이고, 전화하는 여자는 얼굴이고, 남자는 군인이다.
- Kkgan70 은 어떤 모델인가요?
- 상하이 송강 구시 가지의 국내 서비스 회사
- 호남 qiyang 에서 어떻게 수동 칼라를 얻을 수 있습니까?
- 가정 쓰레기 수거
- The target is a soldier, what do you think?
- 비듬을 제거하는 방법?
- 청두달인 가사걱정없는 가정서비스유한공사는 어떠세요?
- 가정 교육 센터 영업 사원은 어떻게 신속하게 학생을 모집합니까?
- 쌍환 스페인 장미의 집이 어떻게 생겼는지 누가 압니까?
- What is the phone number 02161310666?
- 가정 생활에 대한 이해
- 난징 신리다 농업생태발전유한공사는 어떠세요?
- Zhuji 관광 명소 소개
- 허택의 한 소녀가 고구마를 많이 구웠는데, 그녀의 어머니는 다 먹고 먹으라고 하셨다. 당신은 이런 교육을 어떻게 생각합니까?
- 충칭 억 홍다 식품유한공사는 어떠세요?
- In the next three to five years, what projects in rural areas will make people rich if done well?
- What policies do sewage treatment departments in enterprises generally pay attention to?
- Excuse me, teachers! Can a property management company open supermarkets, housekeeping services, housing agencies and other similar business services in the community? Urgent! ! !
- 심천 안립화 비지니스 서비스 유한공사는 어떠세요?
- Amazon has launched a new policy. What are the favorable policies that can be taken advantage of?
- 산 터우 가사 회사의 보모는 어떤 훈련을 해야 합니까?
- What do the red hearts and yellow asterisks in Sukangma’s health tips mean?
- 지안이도 부동산 서비스 유한회사는 어떠세요?
- 대학원생이 대학 상담원에 합격하면 취업 보조금 정책이 있다.
- 장쑤 신신혜환경과학기술연구원 유한회사는 어때요
- 취업보조금은 무슨 뜻인가요?
- 푸순시 정부 근처에서 옥류사 공부 증명서를 어디서 찾을 수 있나요?
- [Repost] Talk about how to quickly understand an industry
- Is the childcare provider qualification certificate useful?
- 탕난 이삿짐센터 전화
- 가정부가 감동하다.
- 미시가정부
- 개인 보모의 월급이 만 원을 넘었다. 보모: 돈을 위해서, 나는 어떤 서비스라도 하고 싶다. 이것에 대해 어떻게 생각하세요?
- "내 보모" 의 저자는 누구입니까
- 광저우 남횡은 어디에서 신문을 살 수 있습니까
- 가사 직원이 일하면서 소설을 듣는 것은 불법입니까?
- 황도파출소 전화번호가 어떻게 되나요?
- 향보등록상표는 받으셨나요? 등록할 수 있는 다른 범주는 무엇입니까?
- 매케인 가정부
- 헝양 싱 카이 부동산 관리 유한 회사는 어떻습니까?
- 안녕하세요, 임천우 검사입니다. 결말 (진상이 드러났다)
- 염강시 가멜로 서쪽 8 가 50 번지는 환시로 서금도 명원에서 얼마나 니까?
- How much does it cost per month to hire a day shift nanny?
- 간단한 개인 주간 업무 요약 (문장 5 편)
- Iran has two armies. Which army has the more powerful commander-in-chief?
- 부기 검문소에서 볼론 비아디까지 버스+지하철을 어떻게 타나요?
- 돌고래 가사 서비스 유한회사의 입소문은 어떻습니까?
- 고주 용안 등록상표 있어요? 등록할 수 있는 다른 범주는 무엇입니까?
- 우루무치가 순풍 부동산 서비스 유한회사에 가입하는 것은 어떻습니까?
- 학력이 없는 여학생은 창주 오교현에서 어떤 기술을 배우나요?
- 이두가사
- Power cut-off policy
- 국가가 후원하는 짧은 문장에 감사드립니다
- 대리 판매의 업무 범위는 무엇입니까?
- 간곡은 경양에 가서 격리합니까?
- 징닝 카운티는 어떻게 같은 도시에서 꽃을 보내나요?
- 증연 선생님은 어떤 심리학 유파입니까?
- 어떤 여자 이름이 90 점 이상 칠 수 있나요?
- 선웨이가 좋고 이승가정 서비스 유한회사는 어떠세요?
- The real estate sector rose strongly, and the two departments issued documents to encourage the merger and acquisition of high-quality projects by insurance real estate companies.
- 가정서비스공장에서 일하는 게 어때요?
- How about Wuhan Meijia Laila Cleaning Service Co., Ltd.?
- 엔시노미 정보기술유한공사는 어떠세요?
- 북경에서 태어났는데, 본적은 외지인데, 베이징 호적을 계산합니까?
- 아이포우 디자인 소프트웨어와 카메라 문제, 그리고 어떻게 효과를 낼 수 있을까요?
- 항공미가정
- 한국의 한 영화는 한 학생이 그녀의 선생님을 좋아하는 것을 다룬다. 그녀의 이름은 무엇입니까?
- Experience of visiting community service center
- Policy innovation is to better play the role of the government, especially what role
- 대만성은 가정부가 되어 얼마를 버나요?
- Longfa decoration de branch
- What are the business skills of a housekeeping service center with good business?
- 우진 중학교와 토미 중학교 중 어느 것이 좋습니까?
- 스포츠 운동장에 플라스틱 활주로를 짓는 데 필요한 자질은 무엇입니까?
- What majors does Taishan Jingxiu Vocational and Technical School offer in 2022?
- 청두 bayberry 따기 기지 주소+가격+교통
- 동관시 전기연합 광전지기술유한공사는 어떠세요?
- 서부 신도시 가정
- 장춘시 홍기거리 파리 봄 뒷층에 있는 한 가사 서비스 회사의 이름은 무엇입니까?
- 해구의 객실 종업원은 한 달에 얼마인가요? 대우는 어떻습니까? 5 보험과 1 금이 있습니까?
- 강음위윤상업유한공사는 어떠세요?
- 가사회사를 개업하기 위한 필수조건은 무엇입니까?
- After the founding of the Communist Party of China, how many land policies and contents did it formulate?
- Can I go to Yangxin from Binzhou now?
- 사평왕신 인적자원유한공사는 어떠세요?
- How about Jincheng Security Service Branch of Guiyang Security Service Corporation?
- 내몽골 그레이스 인적자원 서비스 유한회사는 어떠세요?
- 쾌락가족 전학 교실은 어디에 있습니까?
- 순박알루미늄 후베이 유한회사의 전화는 얼마입니까?
- 충칭 샤브샤브의 유래
- 다람쥐를 기르는 법
- 꿈에서 다른 사람이 자신의 직업 소개 징조를 찾는 것을 보았다.
- 가정사업 사진을 어떻게 잘 찍을까요?
- 보정에는 린넨 세탁소가 몇 군데 있다.
- 압둘 무는 상표를 등록했습니까? 등록할 수 있는 다른 범주는 무엇입니까?
- 심양에서 월형수를 찾는 법
- 치원 가정
- 중학생이 연설을 격려하다.
- 반케 부동산 관리자 면접은 무엇을 준비해야 합니까?
- 가사 장학우
- Liver cancer is called a silent cancer. Why is it so called? Who recommends liver cancer screening?
- 대통령을 찾아 작은 짐승을 공격하여 집에서 가정부가 되다.
- What is the country with the longest founding time in the world?
- 새로운 에너지 자동차에는 어떤 우대 정책이 있습니까?
- 여량골드만 삭스 가장유한공사의 전화는 얼마입니까?
- 국내에서 가장 정규적인 국내 회사는 어떤 것이 있습니까?
- 항주 3d 서비스 그룹 소개
- 회안 화풍 직업기술학교는 어떻게 학생을 모집합니까?
- 국내 여성의 27 마디
- 수면, 가사 아줌마
- 조양구 연금 서비스 지도센터의 노인은 어떤 상황입니까?
- 무석 양 왕위 후이 어머니-아이 간호 서비스 유한 회사는 어떻습니까?
- 2020 홍수 조절 의무비 납부 기준
- 황소의 일생
- Company management process
- 공무원에 응시하려면 어떤 책을 읽어야 합니까?
- 랴오닝 shida 인적 자원 유한 회사는 어떻습니까?
- 흑피미 등록상표 있어요? 등록할 수 있는 다른 범주는 무엇입니까?
- 닭고기찜 레시피 360
- 인위관음 등록상표 있어요? 등록할 수 있는 다른 범주는 무엇입니까?
- 가사 서비스는 어떤 자격증을 시험해야 합니까?
- 중급 경제사는 합격점을 몇 점으로 계산합니까?
- Uu 는 어떻게 심부름을 해서 아르바이트를 합니까?
- 신선이라는 이름으로 영보 시스템을 소개하다
- What are the policies for rural solar photovoltaic power generation?
- 조양구 세기성 블루인디고 공장 서로 용민 북로까지 어느 버스를 타십니까?
- 사람마다 가정 앱을 주문할 수 있습니까?
- 가무스 경향원의 새 부지는 어떤 동네입니까?
- How about Qianjiang Xiawei Legend Catering Management Co., Ltd.?
- 왕선자 세대
- 재스민 선생님 가정
- 2022 년 회안시 전염병 예방·통제 문답 요약 (회안시 전염병 예방·통제 최신 정책)
- What about Shanghai Chengyan Investment Co., Ltd.?
- Pingliang yuesao 보모 가사 서비스 회사
- Speech skills and precautions?
- 단양예룡 장식공사 유한공사는 어떠세요?
- 세곡가정' 독이 있는 꽃' 가사
- 경영 가정
- How about Yiyunzhu (Wuyishan) Business Management Co., Ltd.
- 좋은 이모를 찾는 것이 얼마나 어렵습니까?
- 쉬 저우 Huaneng 부동산 서비스 유한 회사는 어떻습니까?
- How to replace your social security card online when it expires?
- 빈곤 구제 상품은 어떤 것이 있습니까?
- Is Chuangnong Youpin reliable?
- Multiple choice questions 13. Among the following items that have obtained special VAT invoices, which cannot be deducted from the input tax (), please explain the reasons for choosing.
- The impact of unemployment rate on enterprises’ enjoyment of national policies
- 하택 기차역에서 하택 가정직업학원까지 얼마나 니까?
- 가정업계 종사자들의 통점 분석.
- How many princesses are there in Disney? Who are they?
- 광둥 () 제 1 투자유한회사 () 는 어때요?
- 이란 이슬람 혁명의 정치적 통합
- How about Karamay Huili Labor Service Co., Ltd.
- 청소 가사 회사는 어느 것이 좋습니까?
- 혁신 발전 전략은 어떻게 지방정부의 재세 지원 정책을 도킹합니까?
- 낡은 동네에 엘리베이터를 설치하는데 어떤 국가 정책 서류가 있나요?
- 나의 좋은 아빠 작문
- 보수제는 위조품 아닌가요?
- Graduate Employment Subsidy
- 봉래호겸촌에는 어떤 유명인이 있습니까?
- 지역 사회 거시 환경은 지역 사회에 어떤 영향을 미칩니 까?
- 성결한 반의어는 무엇입니까?
- Changzhi 좋은 yuesao 가사 서비스 유한 회사는 어떻습니까?
- 설메이와 그녀의 딸의 입양은 어느 회입니까?
- How to wire a wireless remote control switch?
- 코미 등록상표 있어요? 등록할 수 있는 다른 범주는 무엇입니까?
- 왜 탁호의 몸에 살기가 그렇게 무거워?
- 가정삼관
- 무석 qiaozi 청소 서비스 유한 회사는 어떻습니까?
- 일본 유학 조건
- What major is suitable for girls?
- The three policy banks established in China in 1994 are
- 신이빔 강의 광탄은 어디에 있습니까?
- 영롱한 선생님의 사례를 행복하게 해석하는 것이 사실입니까?
- 수량 그룹 단어-무엇이 좋습니까
- 운송 시장: 중국-필리핀 물류는 어떻습니까?
- 심천시 혜와 고급 가사 서비스 유한회사는 어떠세요?
- 문어문으로 친구를 초청하다
- 제 1 회 엑스포는 언제 개막합니까?
- The literary achievements of Zhao Shuli's novels "The Marriage of Little Black Boys" and "Li Youcai Banhua".
- 그저께 밤에 애인과 잤기 때문에 어제 그는 나에게 연락하지 않았다. 왜요
- 202 1 온라인 교육 정책
- 귀양 Xinglong 재산 관리 유한 회사는 어떻습니까?
- 진과 진의 차이점은 무엇입니까?
- 쯔보 사람들은 잘 지내나요?
- 광라오현 사계절 화성 부근의 어느 이발소가 이발이 좋습니까?
- Help for college student activity data! ! !
- 대동동신은 강원 과일과 채소 도매시장에 어떻게 가나요?
- Hong Shi’s original text_Translation and appreciation
- 설날에 가정을 찾아 청소를 하다.
- Thank you letter from college students
- 마장호 등록상표는 받으셨나요? 등록할 수 있는 다른 범주는 무엇입니까?
- How about Xixian New District Chuangxinang Property Service Co., Ltd.?
- 믿을 만한 가정부를 찾는 것이 정말 이렇게 번거로운가요?
- 코-파워 등록상표 됐나요? 등록할 수 있는 다른 범주는 무엇입니까?
- Chifeng 양수 유한 회사 급여
- 임산부가 코를 골면 태아에게 영향을 줍니까?
- 청두 월형수 훈련 권위 순위
- 호남의 한 여주인이 옷가게를 여러 번' 선심' 하여 옷을 훔쳐 여자친구를 배웅하다가 붙잡혔다. 어떻게 발견했을까요?
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- 1948 샹판 전투
- The new regulations on bills have landed! The longest term of commercial bills is 6 months, and the acceptance and margin are both risky, which is good for the small and medium-sized micro-bills market to enter a new stage of development. On November 18th, the People's Bank of China and China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission revised and promulgated the Administrative Measures on Acceptance, Discount and Rediscussion of Commercial Bills (hereinafter referred to as the Measures). The Measures came into force on January 1, 223. On the same day when the Measures were issued, the Shanghai Bills Exchange also issued the Operating Rules for Information Disclosure of Commercial Bills for supporting implementation. < /p > compared with the interim measures for the administration of acceptance, discount and rediscount of commercial bills in 1997, this interim measures is the first comprehensive revision after a lapse of 25 years, and the word "temporary" in the old version has been removed from the name, which is called "new bill regulations" by the industry. < /p > "The previous version of the Interim Measures focused on business management, while the new version of the Measures focused on standardized management." Xiao Xiaohe, executive director of Jiuyin Bill Research Institute of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, believes that this shows that the bill market has developed into an indispensable tool for financial markets and serving the real economy. < /p > In recent years, the domestic economic and financial situation and the bill market environment have changed. The Measures clarify the nature and classification of relevant bills, strengthen the information disclosure and credit restraint mechanism, and more importantly, strengthen the risk control of the bill industry, and put forward targeted management requirements for the main problems existing in the bill market in recent years. < /p > What concerns the market is that many amendments to the Measures are beneficial to small and medium-sized enterprises. Among them, the long-awaited desire of small and medium-sized enterprises to shorten the term of bills has been realized. In addition, another issue discussed by the market is that the Measures put forward two risk control indicators, namely, acceptance balance and margin balance, which will regulate the behavior of market participants from the perspective of risk. < /p > The longest term of commercial bills is reduced to 6 months < /p > The longest term of commercial bills in China has experienced a dynamic change process. According to the Payment and Settlement Measures issued by the People's Bank of China in 1997, the longest term of a commercial bill is six months, but this is generally used for paper bills. In 29, in order to promote the transition of bills from paper commercial bills to electronic commercial bills, the relevant management measures limited the longest period of electronic commercial bills to one year. < /p > After the establishment of Shanghai Bill Exchange, bill trading entered the era of electronic bills. At this point, the above-mentioned "Measures" will eventually unify the maximum term of commercial bills to 6 months. < /p > This is undoubtedly a big plus for SMEs. For a long time, high accounts receivable is a "sword" hanging over the heads of small and medium-sized enterprises. < /p > "As there is still the problem of unequal market position objectively, large enterprises often take advantage of their strong market position to extend the term of accounts payable, such as extending the term of accounts payable to 6-9 months by using electronic commercial bills of exchange, which takes up too much funds of small and medium-sized micro-suppliers, resulting in the problems of accounts receivable accumulation, slow capital turnover and increased capital cost of small and medium-sized micro-enterprises." Zhao Cila, senior consultant of the Financial Market Center of CITIC Bank Shanghai Branch, told the reporter. < /p > in response to the voice of small and medium-sized enterprises, since last year, the the State Council executive meeting has repeatedly deployed support for the relief and development of individual industrial and commercial households in small and medium-sized enterprises, and studied shortening the acceptance period of electronic commercial bills from one year to six months to reduce the pressure on enterprises to occupy funds. < /p > A number of interviewees in the industry said that according to international practice, the account period of enterprise accounts receivable is usually two to three months. For example, in the United States, the term of commercial paper is no longer than 27 days, that is, 9 months; In Japan, the issuance period of commercial paper is mainly 1-3 months, accounting for about 6% of all issuance periods. < /p > This time, the Measures adjusted the maximum term of commercial bills from one year to six months, which reduced the account cycle and financing cost of SMEs from the institutional level. < /p > "The obvious policy intention of the central bank is to protect the rights and interests of small and medium-sized enterprises." Zhou Minzhi, assistant to the president of Hualin Securities and president of Bill Tribe, said. < /p > It is worth mentioning that the shortening of the longest term of commercial bills is another new change in the bill market. At the beginning of June this year, the new generation of bill business system launched by Shanghai Bill Exchange realized the detachable function of bill "change payment", that is, the amount of bill package can be disassembled into any amount from the smallest to the smallest for payment. < /p > In Zhou Minzhi's view, the shortening of the bill term and the "split" function of the new generation bill business system have greatly improved the convenience of payment for bill holders. "The original large bill cannot be applied to the payment of small transaction scenarios because it cannot be split, but now the split function enables large bills to be broken up and zeroed for different payment scenarios." < /p > In this regard, Zhao Cila also said that strengthening the bill payment function is more conducive to promoting the bills of accounts receivable. "In the market, the more short-term bills, the more people are willing to accept them. Even if a small and medium-sized enterprise gets a six-month bill, if it goes to finance, it only needs to bear the financing cost for up to six months. " < /p > because bills have both credit and capital attributes, commercial banks are the main force in allocating bill assets in the secondary market of bills. The shortening of the term of commercial bills, many people in the industry believe, may increase the interest rate fluctuation and transaction scale in the secondary market of bills in the short term. < /p > Zhou Haibin, vice president of Shanghai Pulan Financial Services Co., Ltd. thinks: "On the premise that the discounted bills are still credit assets, the overall demand of institutions to buy tickets will increase, and at the same time, due to the shortened duration of assets, institutions need to increase the frequency of band transactions to maintain the stability of profit income." < /p > Zhou Minzhi believes that the shortening of the duration of bill assets means that the interest rate may be reduced for a longer period, and the reduction of its income space also reduces the spread income of commercial banks, which tests the comprehensive management ability of commercial banks; But on the other hand, it may also reduce the discount rate of bills, which will bring good news to the bill financing of entity enterprises. < /p > The new regulations fully support small and medium-sized enterprises < /p > Besides the payment function, bill discount is also a common financing method for small and medium-sized enterprises, which embodies the financing attribute of bills. The "Measures" have made many amendments in favor of financing for small and medium-sized enterprises in terms of bill discount. < /p > Zhou Minzhi noticed that in the past, only contract invoices were submitted for discounted materials, which was relatively simple. Now, the "Measures" expand the discount materials to almost all "materials that can reflect the real trading relationship and the relationship between creditor's rights and debts". < /p > "This means that warehouse receipts, running water and other materials can be submitted as long as they conform to the real situation. On the one hand, it restores the part of' creditor's rights and debts' in Article 1 of the Negotiable Instruments Law; On the other hand, the restrictions on certification materials have been liberalized, which has been expanded compared with the original method, which will further help the bill financing to support the real economy. " Zhou minzhi said. < /p > The group that is "smaller" than the generally recognized small and micro enterprises should be the individual industrial and commercial households. After the publication of the Measures, Zhao Cila found that what everyone in the WeChat group began to discuss more was that the Measures extended the subject of ticket holders to natural persons. < /p > according to article 14 of the measures, the holders of commercial bills applying for discount should be natural persons, legal persons and their branches and unincorporated organizations legally established in the people's Republic of China. < /p > In Zhao Cila's view, adding "natural person" as the ticket holder is a big difference between this official announcement and the draft for comment, which reflects the state's emphasis on individual industrial and commercial households as the market subject, and enables hundreds of millions of existing individual industrial and commercial households and rural contracted households to become ticket holders and discount applicants for commercial bills, which facilitates the use and financing of micro-enterprises, and embodies the principle that "individual industrial and commercial households are important market subjects". < /p > With the increasing number of overdue commercial bills, the Measures also made the penalties for overdue acceptors stricter, put forward stronger disciplinary measures, and strengthened the credit restraint mechanism for acceptors. < /p > Article 36 of the Measures stipulates: "Financial institutions shall not handle bill acceptance, discount, guarantee, pledge and other businesses for commercial bill acceptors in the last two years." < /p > "This means that institutions that are not creditworthy will be removed from the bill business' list' by financial institutions in the future. Such a disciplinary mechanism has played a very important and key role in further purifying the credit of the bill market. " Zhou Minzhi further explained that this provision draws lessons from Japan's practice, and Japan's bill law implements a "non-crossing" system for non-payment of bills. This kind of sanction system is undoubtedly fatal to the enterprises that issue bills, but it plays a vital and positive role in maintaining the credit order of bills. < /p > Risk control by "two lines" of acceptance and deposit < /p > Strengthening risk control is another focus that the Measures have attracted more attention from the market. Article 24 of the Measures restricts the proportion of acceptance bills and deposits of banks and finance companies, requiring them not to exceed 15% of the total assets of the acceptor and 1% of the scale of deposits absorbed respectively. < /p > "These two lines actually regulate and restrict individual financial institutions that rely too much on bill assets and deposits derived from bill business from the perspective of risk prevention of the whole industry. Acceptance is an off-balance-sheet business for banks and finance companies. In the past, there have been cases in which risks spread because transitional acceptance could not be paid on time. " Zhou Minzhi said. < /p > A financial company, known as an "internal bank of an enterprise", is a non-bank financial institution, which mainly absorbs deposits from group members, handles loans and settles funds. Previously, its acceptance bills were also called "silver bills". However, in recent years, there are not a few cases in which financial companies have been punished for irregularities in bill business. < /p > The case mentioned by the market is the case of Finance Company of Baota Petrochemical Group. Baota Petrochemical Group used to be a "star-class" private enterprise in northwest China. From 216 to 218, it relied too much on its financial companies for bill financing, which led to the explosive growth of bills payable. Finally, it fell into a debt of 1 billion yuan and "thundered", making its founder become a "prisoner" from the "richest man" in Ningxia, and the ending made the market embarrassed. < /p > This time, the Measures specifically defined the scope of acceptors of various commercial bills, defined the scope of "silver bills" and "financial bills", and stipulated that "silver bills" were commercial bills accepted by banks and rural credit cooperatives. < /p > For banks, the above two assessment indicators are mainly aimed at some banks' blind use of acceptance bonds as the main means to absorb deposits, so as to prevent the liquidity risk caused by the sudden drop of debt-side deposits after bank acceptance bills are paid at maturity, but the assets-side loans have not been recovered. < /p > The reporter learned that in order to cope with the pressure of regulatory assessment indicators, many commercial banks issued a large number of bank notes at the end of half a year, the end of the year and other assessment time points to absorb acceptance deposits to increase deposits to meet the assessment requirements of loan-to-deposit ratio. This operation has become normal. < /p > "However, the deposits of these acceptance bills are different from ordinary deposits, and the silver bills issued have maturity dates, for example, they will expire in half a year, one year and other nodes. Once the centralized payment period is reached, the deposit of acceptance bills previously absorbed by banks will fall' cliff-like' with the payment of silver tickets. The loans released during this period cannot be recovered at the same time, which will lead to bank liquidity risks. " An industry insider revealed. < /p > It is worth noting that the "two lines" have been implemented since January 1, 224, giving some individual small banks and financial companies floating up and down the "two lines" a transition period, and they have one year to make business adjustments and preparations. < /p > Many interviewees believe that Article 24 will not have a significant impact on the current bill market as a whole. < /p > According to the data of China Merchants Securities, there is little pressure to rectify the maximum acceptance balance of listed banks. By the end of June 222, the total balance of bank acceptance bills of 42 A-share listed banks was 1.24 trillion yuan, which was only 4.2% of the asset size, far below the upper limit of 15%. From the perspective of specific banks, the ratio of acceptance balance to total assets is lower than 15% except Zheshang Bank, and Ping An Bank and Qilu Bank are around 15%. Generally speaking, the acceptance balance of stock banks is large, and the ratio of acceptance balance to asset size of state-owned banks is very low, both below 5%.
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