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- 정소 아줌마, 가사
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- What are the reimbursement rates and scope of rural children's medical insurance nowadays? Although the state has continuously improved and supplemented the medical policy, the medical security for rural children in China is still insufficient, and it is still a prominent problem that children are difficult and expensive to see a doctor. The government also constantly encourages rural families to improve children's medical insurance for their children. The reimbursement rate of children's rural medical insurance is divided into three parts, namely outpatient reimbursement, hospitalization reimbursement and serious illness reimbursement, and each reimbursement rate is different; The reimbursement rate varies with the location of medical treatment. reimbursement ratio and scope of rural children's medical insurance < /p > Due to the limited medical conditions and level in rural areas, it is essential to improve rural children's medical insurance for children. Of course, after taking out insurance for children, everyone needs to know clearly its reimbursement ratio and scope. According to the latest regulations, the reimbursement ratio of rural children's medical insurance is roughly as follows: < /p > reimbursement ratio of rural children's medical insurance 1. Outpatient reimbursement ratio. Town health center: 4% reimbursement. Level II hospital: 3% reimbursement. Level III hospital: 2% reimbursement. 2. The proportion of hospitalization reimbursement < /p > The proportion of hospitalization reimbursement gradually decreases with the decline of hospital level. 6% reimbursement for town hospitals; 4% reimbursement for secondary hospitals; Third-level hospitals are reimbursed 3%. 3. Proportion of reimbursement for serious illness < /p > The deductible for reimbursement for serious illness is 5, yuan. With the increase of medical expenses, the proportion of reimbursement has increased. 5-1 yuan compensation 65%, 1-18 yuan compensation 7%. < /p > reimbursement scope of rural children's medical insurance < /p > Personal account pays the following medical expenses: outpatient and emergency medical expenses; The cost of purchasing medicines at designated retail pharmacies; The basic medical insurance fund Qifubiaozhun below the medical expenses. < /p > The basic medical insurance co-ordination fund pays the following medical expenses: medical expenses for hospitalization, including auxiliary examinations such as ECG, X-ray fluoroscopy, radiography, laboratory tests, physiotherapy, acupuncture, CT, magnetic resonance imaging and operation expenses; Outpatient medical expenses of taking anti-rejection drugs after radiotherapy and chemotherapy, renal dialysis and renal transplantation for malignant tumors. < /p > Children's medical insurance in rural areas has different reimbursement rates in terms of outpatient service, hospitalization and serious illness, including 6% in village clinics, 4% in town hospitals, 6% in town hospitals and 4% in secondary hospitals. As for the medical treatment for serious illness, it is compensated in stages when the accumulated reportable medical expenses exceed 5, yuan.
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- Chongqing’s rural pension policy in 2023 New rural pension insurance policy in Chongqing 1. Added payment levels. The original annual payment standards for young and middle-aged people in Chongqing’s basic pension insurance for urban and rural residents were 100 yuan, 200 yuan, There are five levels: 400 yuan, 600 yuan, and 900 yuan. The new policy adjusts the annual payment standard to 12 levels, including 10 levels with annual payment of 100 yuan to 1,000 yuan and 2 levels with annual payment of 1,500 yuan and 2,000 yuan. The insured can continue to pay according to the original standards, or reselect a payment level according to the new standards. The more you pay, the more you get. 2. Increased government subsidies for insurance premiums. The new policy will adjust the government subsidy standard for insurance premiums from the original 30 yuan per person per year to a tiered subsidy. The new subsidy standards are 30 yuan for the first level, 40 yuan for the second level, 50 yuan for the third level, 60 yuan for the fourth level, 70 yuan for the fifth level, 80 yuan for the sixth level, 90 yuan for the seventh level, 100 yuan for the eighth level, and 110 yuan for the ninth level. , the tenth gear is 120 yuan, the eleventh gear is 130 yuan, and the twelfth gear is 140 yuan. The higher the payment level chosen by the insured, the more government subsidies will be received. The more you pay, the more subsidies you will receive. 3. Establishing a mechanism for long-term contributions and more benefits. The new policy stipulates that for insured persons who have paid contributions for more than 15 years, when receiving pension benefits, an additional basic pension of 2 yuan per month will be issued for every more than one year. 4. Improved personal account handling methods. The new policy stipulates that interest on the amount stored in personal accounts shall be calculated in accordance with national regulations, and the balance of funds in personal accounts (including government subsidies) may be inherited in accordance with the law. If the insured person leaves the country to settle abroad or dies before receiving pension benefits, the amount stored in his or her personal account will be refunded. After the death of the consular officer, the balance of the personal account will be returned. Both amounts include individual contributions, collective subsidies (social subsidies) and government subsidy funds. In addition, the new policy will expand the scope of funeral benefits from the original recipients to all insured persons. The insured person has no worries when paying premiums. 5. Achieve cross-coordination transfer within the system. If the household registration of insured persons is transferred, the basic pension insurance relationship for urban and rural residents can be transferred in accordance with regulations. However, for those who have received pension benefits in accordance with regulations, their basic pension insurance relationship for urban and rural residents will not be transferred. Related knowledge: Chongqing pension insurance participation conditions: 1. Rural residents over 16 years old and urban flexible employment personnel; 2. People over 60 years old in cities and towns who do not enjoy basic pension insurance (retirement) benefits. The place to apply for pension insurance in Chongqing: Bring your ID card and household registration book to the village committee (community committee) of the place of residence to apply, and they will go to the township (street) social security office to complete the insurance registration procedures. You can also directly go to the township (street) community office with relevant documents to handle insurance registration procedures. Everyone is familiar with the regulations of Chongqing’s rural pension insurance policy. This is a critical point for every beneficiary. Only by following the latest policy can we better enjoy the pension insurance benefits. This is very important for participating in the insurance. It's important for people.
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- 국가정심회는 어떤 항목을 심사합니까?
- 절강 올림픽 통합 서비스 유한 회사는 어떻습니까?
- 유튜브 생방송 재생은 어디에 있나요?
- 육아가정복
- 국내 유통 소프트웨어
- 고대 가사 노동자의 이름은 무엇입니까?
- 연대 개발구 동양 국제 위치
- 육천 철솥 등록상표 있어요? 등록할 수 있는 다른 범주는 무엇입니까?
- 길림체육학원 지혜건강연금서비스 및 관리전공은 어떠세요?
- 아바바바 등록상표 있어요? 등록할 수 있는 다른 범주는 무엇입니까?
- 달누이가 되고 싶은데, 달누이가 좋은 직업이라고 누가 말해 줄 수 있어요? 지금 한 달 훈련은 4 ~ 5 일밖에 안 된다고 합니다. 공부 시간이 좀 길었나요?
- 2020 전염병 복공의 심정은 마침내 출근할 수 있는 위챗 모멘트 문장을 말한다.
- 화장실에서 물이 새는 것을 무엇으로 채워야 합니까?
- How about Binzhou Chuangjie Cleaning Service Co., Ltd.?
- A 2-year-old girl fell to her death from the 8th floor after being left in an elevator by her nanny. What legal punishment will the nanny face?
- 상덕서동정 일중군사훈련은 무엇을 가지고 가야 합니까? 내용이 뭐예요?
- 아설팅은 상표를 등록했나요? 등록할 수 있는 다른 범주는 무엇입니까?
- Are all Bank of China’s exclusive point redemption products free of charge?
- 1 표 3 실은 무슨 뜻입니까?
- 어떻게 해야만 직원의 명예를 높일 수 있습니까?
- 천진 한양 자동차 서비스 유한 회사는 어때요?
- 가사 서비스는 어항에 물을 바꿀 수 있다.
- 장추구는 역성구에서 얼마나 니까?
- 시장 채용은 중개인입니까?
- 상주시 첸 sheng 청소 서비스 유한 회사는 어떻습니까?
- 2025 하북성 고등학교 입학 시험의 새로운 정책
- 주《 소년대전》시
- I 관 집 노후를 어떻게 예약합니까?
- 항주의 취업 정책은 어떻습니까?
- 광저우 신신 보건유한공사는 어떠세요?
- Gta5 집에서 어떻게 서비스를 호출합니까?
- 해구시 수영구 우편 번호
- 내가 스포츠 복권에 당첨되면 세금을 내야 하나요?
- 항주 순수 스포츠 훈련 유한 회사는 어떻습니까?
- 청두 월형수 회사는 어느 것이 좋습니까?
- 광둥 () 바오 가정.
- 집에 흰개미가 있으면 어떡하죠? 세 가지 일반적인 처리 방법을 소개합니다.
- 대리가의투자개발유한회사의 전화는 얼마입니까?
- What is the difference between Chinese education and Israeli education?
- Can I get extra points for the college entrance examination if I learn to draw?
- How to wipe off the water marks on the glass in the bath box
- 1970- 1985 재향 군인 수당
- 명탐정 비도의 변면은 어느 회입니까?
- Has Yuyin ever registered a trademark? What other categories can be registered?
- 베이징 보모 월급 3 만 원. 왜 일을 하지 않고 침대만 모시는 거야?
- 2022 백혈병 국가 구조 정책
- 동영양원 상업센터는 어디에 있습니까?
- 재정 정책과 시장 경제의 관계
- 심양의' 장백도' 는 어디에 있습니까?
- 지혜 농업의 발전 추세는 무엇입니까?
- Has Shunjie Real Estate ever registered a trademark? What other categories can be registered?
- Education and training qualifications of Guizhou University School of Continuing Education
- 정치적 정직과 조화로운 해석
- 행운의 여자아이에게 이름을 지어 주시겠습니까?
- 소비 회복 및 확대를위한 재정 지원 조치
- 자질대리: 양손으로 사상 최강회사의 등록 경영 범위를 제시하다.
- 여자에게 쥐 이름을 지어 주는 것이 가장 듣기 좋은 것은 무엇입니까?
- How about Huangshan Chuangxin Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd.
- 고무 패드 제조업체
- 청두미가제 가정회사에 사기를 당한 사람이 있습니까?
- 우한 코닝 가사 서비스 유한회사는 어떠세요?
- 절강 진창 부동산 서비스 유한 회사는 어때요?
- 곽려련은 어디 사람입니까?
- 풍령에 상표를 등록했나요? 등록할 수 있는 다른 범주는 무엇입니까?
- Wuhan Shaobo Information Consulting Working Hours
- 쿤밍주 양휘보험대리유한공사 소통지사는 어떠세요?
- 타이주 개원 건강관리유한공사는 어떠세요?
- 지혜연금은 전통연금에 비해 어떤 장점이 있습니까?
- 샤먼 올리브 여단 가정
- 푸양 가정부
- 국가 정부 플랫폼에서 CTID 를 여는 방법
- 찐 고기 연습 및 성분
- The first lady of Brazil tested positive for the new coronavirus. Which foreign dignitaries have been diagnosed with the new coronavirus?
- 사오싱 김탁재산관리유한공사는 어떠세요?
- 심천 국해 가사 서비스 유한회사는 어떻습니까?
- 2023 년 하이난 성 완닝시 사업 단위 자격 심사 장소
- 북경에서 소주로 이사하는데 비용이 얼마나 드나요?
- 5 가구 간호비는 얼마입니까?
- 한약재 재배 전망 분석
- 신장종양 수술에는 간호사가 필요합니까?
- The Shandong Provincial Department of Justice’s regulations on the management of lawyers’ practicing certificates, and Shandong Province’s regulations on protecting lawyers’ practicing rights?
- 이것은 같은 뿌리입니다. 왜 이렇게 급해요?
- 국산 밀
- Has Martin's Morning ever registered a trademark? What other categories can be registered?
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- 동관 지통 직업 훈련 학교 개발 과정
- What is credit rating 3A certification, how to apply for it, which department to apply for, and what is the role of it?
- 위자별자리?
- 세계화의 물결이 중국 사회주의 건설에 가져온 기회와 도전을 어떻게 이해할 것인가?
- How about Baoji NVC Technology Engineering Co., Ltd.?
- 용왕수는 왕도에 상표를 등록했나요? 등록할 수 있는 다른 범주는 무엇입니까?
- 서구 선진국 정치동아리의 역할을 하는 주요 방식은 무엇입니까?
- 스타파 가사
- 2022 년 소동 자동차 서역에 영관당까지 가는 차가 있나요?
- 연대 대명 가사 서비스
- 절강미술학원은 985 입니까, 아니면 2 1 1 대학입니까?
- Introduction to Anhui Art Institute’s junior college to undergraduate major: Digital media art?
- 유치원에서 집안일을 꾸리는 목적은 무엇입니까?
- 베젤이 없는 화물차는 어떻게 처벌합니까?
- 전기 자동차가 헬멧을 착용하는 구체적인 요구 사항은 무엇입니까?
- 각 별자리의 성격은 어떤가요?
- 주해 이주 노동자 정착 조건
- 중앙은행은 3 월부터 위챗 이체의 새로운 정책 1 을 시작한다.
- Does the government have an obligation to announce new policies in advance?
- What are the two high-pollution/high-energy-consuming industries?
- 정보 정책 및 규정
- 옷에 묻은 담배 얼룩을 어떻게 제거합니까?
- 무청 중국 성통그룹 취임식은 어떠신가요?
- 곤산의 몇몇 마을 이름은 무엇입니까?
- 허난성 남양 중등학교에는 어떤 학교가 있습니까?
- The political party system implemented in China is
- 어느 방면에서 한 나라의 정치를 소개해야 합니까?